Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Free Movies Online You Should See Before Others

You can easily discover a good number of summaries nowadays that put together the most watchable films of all time. People love movies, and they want to get an idea of what might be good to view next. It is highly unlikely that anyone now has not yet heard of free movies online.

It would be difficult to put down the enjoyment one can get from a free movie. Here you have a compendium of the most popular films according to experts and viewers both. The following are some of the films that have changed the face of the movie-making industry.

A popularly suggested option is "The Exorcist". This movie was simply a landmark when it came to horror movies. For a 1970s film, this is easily a stunning piece of horror work, not needing to rely on CGI or today's advanced technologies for realistic scares.

It is said that the scares given to the audience years ago have never truly gone away. The film had so many scenes with the most macabre and striking imagery. These scenes stand testament to the brilliance of the people who made that film.

Titanic is yet another select film that simply must be seen at least once by any movie-watcher. It is nigh-impossible to find a rundown of the greatest love stories in film that does not include this one. It didn’t hurt that the film put together the hottest male and female stars of that time in leading roles; who could ever forget Leonardo di Caprio painting a nude Kate Winslet?

This film is undoubtedly the best in a long line of films taking up the same subject. The real beauty of the plot is the relegation of the disaster to the sidelines in favor of a human piece. This movie grossed well over half a billion in ticket sales.

One more major film success is in this compilation: "The Lion King". It has been considered the most profitable of all animated productions. This is perhaps what truly launched animated films into the spotlight, with people coming up in droves to see it.

If your interest is in science fiction, "War of the Worlds" would be a good choice. This is a gripping tale of aliens touching down on Earth and invading it. The only aspect in which the newer movies have outdone the old version would be in CGI special effects.

For something endowed with drama yet also fairly laid-back, the iconic production is surely "Forrest Gump". Endowed with a wonderfully agreeable lead, this was a film that was made with a delicate touch. The plot may seem dull, but no one who has seen it could ever say the same of the film, which is the sort of surprise you only get from movies.

There are other lists of other great movies, but so far these ones are the top films for which people would love to get a free movies online download. Great movies are things to which we can connect… for a long time. With technological advancements in the Internet, anyone can relive these amazing movie moments by watching free movies online.

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